1:15 PM
CTP/Task C overview
Washington Taylor
((Director, CTP))
1:45 PM
Optimal Transport, Energy Correlators, and Beyond
Jesse Thaler
2:00 PM
Primordial Black Hole Production from Hybrid Inflation
Alan Guth
2:15 PM
Fundamental physics from galaxy surveys with effective field theory
Mikhail Ivanov
2:30 PM
Forecasting Dark Matter Signals for the Early Universe and the Gamma-Ray Sky
Tracy Slatyer
2:45 PM
Coffee break
3:00 PM
Developments in String Field Theory
Barton Zwiebach
3:15 PM
Spacetime emergence and symmetry in quantum gravity
Daniel Harlow
3:30 PM
Emergence of spacetime
Hong Liu
(Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
3:45 PM
Emergence of Spacetime and Semiclassical Gravity
Netta Engelhardt
4:00 PM
What's Done Cannot Be Undone: Non-Invertible Symmetries
Shu-Heng Shao