Saptarshi Chaudhuri
(Princeton University)
I present Dark Matter Radio (DMRadio), a multi-faceted program to probe axion dark matter below 1 ueV using an electromagnetic lumped-element resonator. I describe the detection concept and design principles and discuss present experimental status. DMRadio-50L, under construction, will probe axion-like particles in the 20 peV-20 neV mass range. It will serve as a testbed for sensors evading the Standard Quantum Limit on amplification. A scaled-up detector DMRadio-m3, under design study, has projected sensitivity to the QCD axion between 20 neV-800 neV. I present an R&D roadmap towards DMRadio-GUT, a challenging, long-term experiment to probe GUT-scale QCD axions near 1 neV.
Primary author
Saptarshi Chaudhuri
(Princeton University)