Francesca Chadha-Day
(Durham University)
28/07/2021, 10:00
Axion quasiparticles may exist in certain condensed matter systems. I will discuss the physics of axion quasiparticles, and how they may be used to detect axion dark matter via three-way mixing between the photon, axion and axion quasiparticle. I will introduce the proposed TOORAD experiment for TOpolOgical Resonant Axion Detection.
Andrew Long
(Rice University)
28/07/2021, 11:00
Axions couple extremely weakly to regular matter, making them challenging to probe in the laboratory. However, axions should be produced in the hot and dense environments of compact stars, providing these stars with an additional cooling channel that leads to well-known constraints on the axion’s couplings to matter. These constraints are indirect, and although compact stars are predicted to...