15–17 Jun 2022
Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza
America/Denver timezone

Global Analysis of Single Transverse-Spin Asymmetries

15 Jun 2022, 12:00
Canyon (Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza)


Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza


Daniel Pitonyak (Lebanon Valley College)


I will discuss the latest results from a global analysis of single transverse-spin asymmetries that includes data from SIDIS, electron-positron annihilation, Drell-Yan, and single-inclusive proton-proton collisions as well as constraints on transversity from lattice QCD and the Soffer bound. This aligns with Milestone 6 of the TMD Collaboration.

Primary author

Daniel Pitonyak (Lebanon Valley College)


Leonard Gamberg (Penn State University) Michel Malda (Lebanon Valley College) Joshua Miller (Temple University) Alexey Prokudin Nobuo Sato (Jefferson Lab)

Presentation materials