DarkLight@ARIEL Meeting

https://mit.zoom.us/j/97797932046?pwd=UHVyQUUvRGlpb3JqdFVicTh5MWFlQT09 (On-Line)



Douglas Hasell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

DarkLight@ARIEL Weekly Meeting 

Connect via Zoom using:  https://mit.zoom.us/j/97797932046?pwd=UHVyQUUvRGlpb3JqdFVicTh5MWFlQT09


*June 9, 2022 - General Meeting: https://indico.mit.edu/event/425/

  • Discussed restarting the minutes. We will rotate responsibilities monthly, per vote of the attending folks. SBU will have the remainder of the month of June. Then it will move to MIT (and they can nominate the next victim, for now. We should move to something more formal afterward).
  • Yesterday, Richard led a discussion of the white paper we would like to add as a preface to the proceedings.
  •  Ross will post Richard's slides from the editors meeting yesterday.
  • Jan has added the OLYMPUS generator to the suite of DarkLight repos -- it is not in our repo, but in the collaboration set.
  • Magnet: Ernie took the model from Harald and opened it, but was not able to extract what he needed. Once he has the pole and coil geometry, he can design the rest of the magnet, with the return yoke etc, that fits in the space allowed.
  •  Ernie will iterate with Harald to get the magnet design moving
  • Harald reports on the thin quadrupoles: He showed slides (link) with the magnetic field calculations and maps, which have ~1% octupole components when zooming in closely. (Ernie described a rule of thumb trick for proportions of pole gap to poletip radius (R=1.15*G)). Harald's slides also show that the resulting geometry allows the spectrometer magnet to get wthin 22.5º of the beamline without issue -- and, in fact, the quad can be moved much closer to the target if desired. He concludes with parameters of the current design. Step files are also available (link). Jan points out our ultimate target of 16º, and we should see if that can be achieved.
  •  TRIUMF (Thomas?) will look at Harald's design from the slides above. If all is well, we can start discussing who will make these.
  •  Aveen will implement Harald's design into the ARIEL optical lattice simulation and see how it performs.
  •  Doug will resubmit the poll for a new meeting time, since many could not respond before many of the times were grayed out.
  • There was a request from Kate and Mike to fill in some info for the CFI process.


There are minutes attached to this event. Show them.
    • 11:00 11:01
      Welcome 1m
      Speaker: Douglas Hasell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • 11:01 11:10
      Update on Workshop 9m
      Speaker: Ross Corliss (SBU)
    • 11:10 11:25
      Simulation 15m
      Speakers: Jan Bernauer (SBU), Kate Pachal (TRIUMF)
    • 11:25 11:40
      Magnet and quadrupole design 15m
      Speakers: Ernie Ihloff (MIT), Harald Merkel (Mainz)
    • 11:40 11:45
      New day and time for weekly DarkLight 5m
      Speaker: Douglas Hasell (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)