Users Group Meeting

Kolker Room (26-414) (MIT)

Kolker Room (26-414)


    • 10:00 10:15
      subMIT status and updates 15m
      Speaker: Joshua Bendavid (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • 10:15 10:30
      Studying Diffusion with Conservation of Center of Mass Using subMIT 15m
      Speaker: Sunghan Ro (MIT)
    • 10:30 10:45
      Roundtable 15m
      Speakers: Kaliroe Pappas (MIT laboratory for nuclear science), Molly Taylor (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Prajwal Mohan Murthy (MIT LNS), Siddharth Mishra-Sharma (MIT), Sunghan Ro (MIT), Yin Lin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology), Yitian Sun (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
    • 10:45 10:50
      Discussion 5m