7–9 Sep 2021
America/New_York timezone

Production of radioisotopes for application studies at RIKEN RI Beam Factory

8 Sep 2021, 09:00


Applications of high power Cyclotrons/FFAs Applications of high power cyclotrons/FFAs


Hiromitsu Haba (RIKEN)


At RIKEN RI Beam Factory (RIBF), Wako, Japan, we have been developing production technologies of radioisotopes (RIs) and conducting RI application studies in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, engineering, medicine, pharmaceutical and environmental sciences. With light- to heavy-ion beams from the AVF cyclotron, we produce more than 100 RIs from 7Be to 262Db. RIs of a large number of elements (multitracer) are simultaneously produced from metallic targets such as natAg, 197Au, and 232Th irradiated with a 135-MeV nucl.–1 14N beam from RIKEN Ring Cyclotron. The multitracer is useful to trace the behavior of many elements simultaneously under an identical experimental condition. We installed a gas-jet transport system on the gas-filled recoil ion separator GARIS at the RIKEN heavy-ion linear accelerator. 261Rf, 262Db, 265Sg, and 266Bh are produced for chemistry studies in the heavy-ion induced reactions on a 248Cm target.

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