7–9 Sep 2021
America/New_York timezone

The RFQ Direct Injection System for the IsoDAR cyclotron

9 Sep 2021, 09:30


New concepts in high power Cyclotrons/FFAs Novel concepts for high power cyclotrons/FFAs


Loyd Waites (student@mit.edu)


The IsoDAR project is a neutrino experiment that re-quires a high current molecular hydrogen beam at 60 MeV/amu, which will be produced by a cyclotron. A critical aspect of the design is the injection, which comprises an ion source, a compact low energy beam transport section (LEBT), and a radio-frequency quadrupole (RFQ) buncher embedded in the cyclotron yoke. The LEBT is optimized to match the desired input Twiss parameters of the RFQ. Here we report on the design for the full RFQ system.

Primary authors

Loyd Waites (student@mit.edu) Daniel Winklehner (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials