7–9 Sep 2021
America/New_York timezone

Use of a map approach for tracking in FFAs

9 Sep 2021, 10:00


New concepts in high power Cyclotrons/FFAs Novel concepts for high power cyclotrons/FFAs


Chris Rogers (ISIS)


Typically FFAs are tracked by numerical integration of the equations of motion through the fields, for example using Runge Kutta integration steps. Collective effects are applied at integration steps in the usual way. However, ideal FFAs are an excellent candidate for using a transfer map approach to tracking - transport is, by construction, entirely independent of particle momentum so that a transfer map can be integrated for a single cell of the machine at a single momentum and then applied for all cells, given a suitable momentum scaling. In this presentation, the Hamiltonian expansion for FFAs is derived, including appropriate scaling fringe fields, and shown to be momentum independent at all orders. The route to calculation of transfer maps is discussed and approaches to including collective effects are considered.

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