Kaliroe Pappas
(MIT laboratory for nuclear science)
Originally proposed as a solution to the strong CP problem, the axion is also well motivated as a candidate for dark matter. In the less-explored axion mass range below 1 ueV axions behave as long-wavelength dark matter, the search for which requires novel approaches and techniques. With ABRACADABRA-10cm we demonstrate the ability to search for GUT-scale axions in the range of 0.3 to 8 neV using a superconducting toroidal magnet, quantum electronics, and a broadband lumped-element circuit. In this talk, I will be discussing ABRACADABRRA-10cm as a whole and the result from our most recent run, where we were able to place world-leading limits on axion coupling in the neV mass range.
Primary author
Kaliroe Pappas
(MIT laboratory for nuclear science)