15–17 Jun 2022
Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza
America/Denver timezone

Independent amplitudes in the quark and antiquark correlators and TMDs in the covariant parton model

15 Jun 2022, 11:00
Canyon (Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza)


Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza


Fatma Aslan (JLab/UConn)


Covariant parton model (CPM) is a generalization of the Feyman's parton
model which does not prefer any special reference system. Within the
framework of covariant parton model, we study the properties of the quark
and antiquark correlators determined by the equations of motion of the
free partons, and derive the polarization vectors for quarks and
antiquarks in mixed-spin and pure-spin states. We show that for partons in
the pure-spin state, there is only one polarized and one unpolarized
amplitude in each of the quark and antiquark correlator.

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