15–17 Jun 2022
Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza
America/Denver timezone

Axial Gauge and Wilson Lines of Infinite Extent

15 Jun 2022, 10:00
Canyon (Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza)


Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza


Xiaojun Yao (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


Two gluon TMDs with different Wilson line configurations have been studied intensively at small-x: the Weizsacker-Williams type and the dipole type. They have different transverse momentum dependences and thus they will correspond to two different integrated gluon distributions. However, these two distributions have exactly the same expressions in light-cone gauge. In this talk, I will discuss the subtlety when using axial gauge (light-cone gauge is one kind of axial gauge) to study correlation functions of non-Abelian field strengths dressed with Wilson lines of infinite extent. I will explain the breakdown of naive axial gauge by showing an explicit example of perturbative calculations and discussing the issue from a path integral perspective. I will also illuminate under what conditions naive application of axial gauge will lead to unreliable results.

Primary authors

Xiaojun Yao (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Bruno Scheihing (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)

Presentation materials