15–17 Jun 2022
Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza
America/Denver timezone

Improving Lattice QCD calculations of the Collins-Soper Kernel

16 Jun 2022, 09:30
Canyon (Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza)


Hilton Santa Fe Historic Plaza


Artur Avkhadiev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)


Collins-Soper (CS) evolution kernel is critical to relate transverse-momentum-dependent parton distribution functions (TMDPDFs) at different scales. When the parton transverse momentum is small, q_T \sim \Lambda_{QCD}, the CS kernel is non-perturbative; the determination of the CS kernel in the non-perturbative regime can only be done through experiment or first-principles calculations. I will review how lattice QCD can be used to compute the CS kernel through Large-Momentum Effective Theory, how results from lattice calculations compare with phenomenological fits, and provide an update on ongoing efforts to improve the precision of current lattice QCD results from forward matrix elements with a complementary approach via quasi-TMD wavefunctions.

Primary authors

Artur Avkhadiev (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Prof. Phiala Shanahan (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Michael Wagman (Fermilab) Yong Zhao (Argonne National Laboratory)

Presentation materials