7:00 PM
How Important is QCD for the Nuclear Chart?
Harald Griesshammer
7:04 PM
Polarized Ion Beams beyond Helium-3 for EIC
Chao Peng
7:08 PM
Double Deeply Virtual Compton Scattering with SoLID spectrometer at Jefferson Laboratory
Alexandre Camsonne
7:12 PM
Vector meson-proton scattering lengths from omega to upsilon
Igor Strakovsky
7:16 PM
K-long beam experiment at JLab
Igor Strakovsky
7:20 PM
Opportunities for precision QCD physics in hadronization at Belle II
Anselm Vossen
7:24 PM
Community agreements
Christine Nattrass
(University of Tennessee)
7:28 PM
Engaging minorities in Nuclear Physics
Cesar da Silva
7:32 PM
Results from the BNL-MSI Nuclear Physics Traineeship Program
Mickey Chiu
7:36 PM
Visualization of the Subatomic World
Richard Milner
Rolf Ent
(Jefferson Lab)
7:40 PM
Input from the JLab Users Organization to the LRP process
Carlos Munoz Camacho
7:54 PM
A Better Angle on Hadron Transverse Momentum Distributions at the EIC
Johannes Michel
7:58 PM
On the Importance of hadronic interaction physics program at EIC Era
Ming Liu
8:02 PM
Physics Opportunities with a Second EIC Detector
Charles Hyde
8:06 PM
Studying QCD with UPCs at the LHC
Daniel Tapia Takaki
8:10 PM
MUSE: The MUon Scattering Experiment
Ethan Cline
(Stony Brook University)
8:14 PM
A US-based MicroPattern Gaseous Detection Center
Cynthia Keppel (for Kondo Gnanvo)
8:18 PM
ALICE FoCal upgrade
Norbert Novitzky
8:22 PM
Inter-American Network of Networks of QCD challenges
Daniel Tapia Takaki
8:24 PM
Gluon saturation search at Bjorken-x<1e-4 in LHC
Cesar Luiz da Silva