January 30, 2023 to February 3, 2023
CEA Paris-Saclay
Europe/Paris timezone

Local Transportation

CEA Saclay is situated south-west of Paris, at approximately 25 km from the city center.

Public Transport

  • RER B up to Le Guichet station (Orsay), then bus 9 up to Orme des Merisiers stop. Bus 9 rides approximately every 10 minutes from 6am to 7:30pm.
  • RER B up to Massy station (Massy-Palaiseau), then bus 91.06 up to Orme des Merisiers stop. Bus 91.06 rides approximately every 10 minutes in the day and every 30 minutes in the evening, up to 12am at night.
  • Please note that public transport is not running over night, esp. in less urban areas.

CEA Buses

  • Upon request, you can have access to CEA bus leaving from porte d’Orleans (south of Paris) to Orme de Merisiers in the morning, and back in the evening. The trip takes about 45min but is more confortable than with public transportation.
  • To have access to this service, you need an invitation letter. Please contact acorsi@cea.fr [Registration has closed].
  • Timetable: here
  • List of stops on way back: here. Please not that the relevant stop is labeled Syncrotron/Orme or Orme des Merisiers. The stops are the same in the inverse order in the morning.
  • Bus stop at Porte d`Orleans (Av. Paul Appell / Pl. du 25 Aout 1944):



Transportation webpage and App: https://www.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/


  • You can buy single RER train ticket in any RER station, for example at the vending machines selecting « Ticket for Paris region » and then the name of the station (Massy or Le Guichet).
  • Bus tickets can be purchased at Le Guichet or Massy RER station, or directly on the bus.
  • Alternatively, you can buy a weekly pass, either in most RER and metro station at the RATP office or via smartphone using the App. The suitable weekly pass is the one for Zone 1-5, that works for all trains and buses in Paris region: https://www.iledefrance-mobilites.fr/en/tickets-fares/detail/navigo-weekly-ticket

Bus and train network: http://www.paris-saclay.com/fileadmin/documents/2.Vivre_ici/Mobilite/Plan_Secteur_Orsay.pdf