Mar 25 – 27, 2024
America/New_York timezone

Call for Abstracts

  • Opening day
  • Submission deadline

The upcoming US FCC workshop in March 2024 is a great opportunity to share your work on FCC with your US community or, in the "expressions of interest" session, to announce your interests for future work. In order to allow as broad as possible participation, we announce this call for abstracts for short talks. Specifically we are looking for

  • expressions of interest of your institution in work on the FCC-ee project (plenary). As the formation of detector collaborations is upcoming, this allows you to find others with similar interests in the US for collaboration and for the international collaborations to become aware of your interests. It can also allow you to find collaborators both in the US and elsewhere on physics feasibility studies or theoretical work.
  • abstracts for presentations in the accelerator, detector and theory&experiment parallel sessions. This is an excellent opportunity to showcase work done at your institution on theory, detector development / simulation, accelerator or physics feasibility studies, and software/computing work for the FCC
  • abstracts for the plenary lightning sessions dedicated to young physicists such as postdocs, graduate students, and undergrads.

The presentations will be generally on the shorter side to accommodate most speakers (~15 min). Please, choose the corresponding type when you submit your abstract [2]. We hope all institutions interested in working on accelerator or detector design, physics feasibility studies, software/computing or theoretical work on FCC physis will submit an abstract to the "expressions of interest".

The deadline for abstract submission is January 31, 2024.

Best, Marc-Andre, Sarah and Christoph for the organizing committee

PS - to submit an abstract without MIT account you have to register with MIT indico [3]


The call for abstracts is closed.