25–27 Mar 2024
America/New_York timezone

Search for Higgs boson decaying to a Z boson and a photon

25 Mar 2024, 20:05
Grier Room, Building 34, 34-401A/B (MIT)

Grier Room, Building 34, 34-401A/B


Analysis experimental Social events


Charlotte Myers (UMD) Peyton Musembi (UMD) Rujuta Sane (MIT) Yusuf Aamir (UMD)


The FCC-ee would facilitate the search for the rare decay of $H \rightarrow Z + \gamma$ with greater precision. We present a feasibility study of the analysis in the Higgsstrahlung production channel, where the Higgs decays further into the Z and $\gamma$. The events are produced via Monte Carlo generators at a center-of-mass energy of 240 GeV and luminosity of 150 $ab^-1$ and the detector response is simulated at the IDEA detector. The decay channels are divided into four categories based on the final states of the two Z bosons ($4q$, $2q2l$, $4l$, and invisible). For each category, a selection method based on kinematic cuts and Boosted Decision Trees (BDTs) is employed to reduce the background processes, primarily the diboson (ZZ and WW) background. An uncertainty on the coupling constant $\kappa_{Z\gamma}$ is quoted for each category.

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