25–27 Mar 2024
America/New_York timezone

Geant4 simulations of sampling and homogeneous hadronic calorimeters with dual readout for future colliders

Not scheduled
Building 32, 32-123 (MIT)

Building 32, 32-123


Detector development Parallel: Detectors


Dr Sergei Chekanov (ANL)


Hadronic calorimeters with dual readout measure both scintillation and Cherenkov lights produced in their active media. They offer improvements in energy resolution and, therefore, have become increasingly interesting due to the need for precision jet measurements at Higgs factories. This talk discusses Geant4 simulations of single-particle responses in sampling and homogeneous calorimeters, and demonstrates the effect of inclusion of Cherenkov light in the reconstruction of energies. The simulations are performed with a single-photon precision.

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