25–27 Mar 2024
America/New_York timezone

Study of the IDEA and ALLEGRO tracking detector with focus on the flavor tagging capabilities and possible improvements

Not scheduled
Building 32, 32-123 (MIT)

Building 32, 32-123


Detector development Parallel: Detectors


Alessandro Tricoli (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Andrea Sciandra George Iakovidis (Brookhaven National Laboratory)Dr Viviana Cavaliere (Brookhaven National Laboratory)


The vertex detector proposed for IDEA and ALLEGRO consists of three layers of silicon detectors still in a conceptual design. In this study we aim to present an investigation of the vertex detector performance focusing on the flavor tagging capabilities with an aim to reveal the most important parameters contributing to the tagging performance along withand how to optimize them in a vertex detector layout.

Primary authors

Alessandro Tricoli (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Andrea Sciandra George Iakovidis (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Dr Viviana Cavaliere (Brookhaven National Laboratory)

Presentation materials

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