Plenary: Lightning Talks
- Julia Gonski (Stanford)
- Samuel Homiller (Harvard)
In this talk, I will motivate the study of the ZH process as a means of studying Higgs self-coupling: measurements of Higgs self-coupling are essential as they are directly related to the shape of the Higgs potential, which has implications on the stability of the universe. This project analyzed various jet recombination schemes of a simulated ZH process, and aims to determine the jet...
In this talk, I will inspire how the phenomenology of the Electroweak Phase Transition (EWPT) can guide the search for new physics related to the Higgs sector with the concrete example of Higgs exotic decays. EWPT is the transition from an electroweak symmetric phase to a broken phase in the early universe, and is a cross over in the Standard Model (SM). The EWPT being strongly first order is...
We propose to use an electromagnetic calorimeter based on scintillating crystals to record both Cherenkov and scintillation light at the FCC-ee. Together with a dual-readout hadronic calorimeter, it will allow precise energy measurements of electrons, photons, and jets. In this talk, I'll report the first measurements that utilize PbF2 (non-scintillating crystals) to understand the collection...
I will introduce a simplified model for two colorless heavy vector resonances in the singlet representation of $SU(2)_L$, with zero and unit hypercharge, and use this model to motivate future collider efforts. I will discuss the semi-analytic production of these narrow resonances at proton colliders, and I will show current LHC constraints for a variety of two-body final states. In addition, I...
We study weak isosinglet vectorlike leptons that decay through a small mixing with the tau lepton, for which the discovery and exclusion reaches of the Large Hadron Collider and future proposed hadron colliders are limited. We show how an e+ e- collider may act as a discovery machine for these tau' particles, demonstrate that the tau' mass peak can be reconstructed in a variety of distinct...
Long-lived particles are well motivated in numerous Beyond Standard Model theories including matter/antimatter asymmetry, the origin of electroweak symmetry breaking, Dark Matter, etc. The FCC-ee provides a unique opportunity to search for these distinct experimental signatures. We will present a study of the sensitivity of observing long-lived scalar particles originating from exotic Higgs...
A parameter of major interest in particle physics which has not yet been precisely measured is the Higgs self-coupling. A precise measurement of this coupling is fundamental to the Standard Model (SM), as it has a direct impact on the shape of the Higgs potential. A measurement consistent with the SM would further bolster the accuracy of the SM and confirm the expected meta-stability of the...