Second Annual U.S. Future Circular Collider (FCC) Workshop 2024

Building 32, 32-123 (MIT)

Building 32, 32-123


Christoph Paus (

design by Jordan Lang 


The annual US FCC workshop series started in 2023 at BNL with the idea of building and fostering the US community around the FCC and in particular the FCC-ee project. We will have the second instance of this workshop at MIT in Cambridge, MA.

After the long and rich Snowmass process and multiple P5 panel town hall meetings, the High-Energy Physics community has come to a conclusion on what to recommend to the DOE and NSF about our future. The P5 released its report including those recommendations on December 7/8, 2023. This workshop will allow the US FCC community to come together and discuss in detail the recommendations of P5. The DOE and NSF will be invited to this meeting, and we expect a fruitful discussion.

Status reports will be given on the FCC-ee accelerator, detector, computing & software and physics analysis program including theory. In addition, we will host a plenary session for the expression of interest of US institutions for potential contributions in the areas of: the accelerator, the emerging detector collaborations, the physics program, and the software/computing infrastructure development. Particular emphasis will be on young investigator and student contributions to the ongoing FCC-ee Feasibility Study.

The workshop dovetails nicely within the general FCC schedule, preceded by the FCC Physics days in Annecy (January 29 - February 2, 2024) and followed by the summer FCC Week in June.

International Organizing Committee

  • Martin Aleksa (CERN)
  • Patrizia Azzi (Padova)
  • Anadi Canepa (FNAL)
  • Sergei Chekanov (ANL)
  • Sarah Eno (Maryland)
  • Ayres Freitas (Pittsburgh)
  • Julia Gonski (SLAC)
  • Samuel Homiller (Harvard)
  • Zoltan Ligeti (LBNL)
  • Michelangelo Mangano (CERN)
  • Christoph Paus (MIT)
  • Marc-André Pleier (BNL)
  • Srini Rajagopalan (BNL)
  • Tor Raubenheimer (SLAC)
  • Sally Seidel (New Mexico)
  • Vladimir Shiltsev (NIU)
  • Robert Szafron (BNL)
  • Alessandro Tricoli (BNL)
  • Christopher Tully (Princeton)

Local Organizing Committee

  • Alisa Cabral
  • Karen Dow
  • Luca Lavezzo
  • Elsye Luc
  • Christoph Paus
  • Abhisek Datta
  • Abid Patwa
  • Abraham Tishelman-Charny
  • Alaettin Serhan Mete
  • Alessandro Tricoli
  • Alexander Paramonov
  • Amin Abouibrahim
  • Anadi Canepa
  • Anders Ryd
  • Andre Sailer
  • Andrea Sciandra
  • Andrea Thamm
  • Andreas Werner Jung
  • Andrei Gritsan
  • Andrew Lankford
  • Andrew White
  • Andrey Ryzhov
  • Aneesh Anandanatarajan
  • Anthony Affolder
  • Anthony Badea
  • Anyes Taffard
  • Aram Apyan
  • Ariel Schwartzman
  • Artur Apresyan
  • Ashutosh Kotwal
  • Ayman Noreldaim
  • Ayres Freitas
  • Ben Nachman
  • Blaise Delaney
  • Bob Hirosky
  • Boleslaw Wyslouch
  • Brett Parker
  • Brieuc Francois
  • Caden Glenn
  • Caitlin Kubina
  • Carl Haber
  • Cassandra Lawson
  • Caterina Vernieri
  • Celia Fernandez Madrazo
  • Chad Freer
  • charles Young
  • Charlotte Myers
  • Chinar Deshpande
  • Chris Bee
  • Christoph Paus
  • Christophe Grojean
  • Christopher Madrid
  • Christopher Palmer
  • Christopher Tully
  • Daniel Aloni
  • David d'Enterria
  • Diallo Boye
  • Dmitri Denisov
  • Elisa Fontanesi
  • Eluned Smith
  • Emily Thompson
  • Emmanouil Vourliotis
  • Ethan Levy
  • Fabrizio Palla
  • Felix Sefkow
  • Fernando Cornet-Gomez
  • Francesco Giovanni Celiberto
  • Frank E. Taylor
  • Frank Golf
  • Gabriele D'Amen
  • Gabriella Sciolla
  • George Iakovidis
  • George Witt
  • Gerardo Ganis
  • Grace Cummings
  • Graham Wilson
  • Gregorio Bernardi
  • Helmut Marsiske
  • Hong Ma
  • Indara Suarez
  • Isabella Vesely
  • Iza Veliscek
  • Jacob Lee
  • Jaime Heredia Ugedo
  • James Rohlf
  • James Shank
  • James Wetzel
  • Jan Eysermans
  • Jared Maxson
  • Jason Nielsen
  • Jennifer Roloff
  • Jesse Thaler
  • Jim Hirschauer
  • Jinlong Zhang
  • Joel Butler
  • John Parsons
  • John Rutherfoord
  • John Seeman
  • Jordan Lang
  • Joshua Bendavid
  • Juan Miguel Carceller
  • Julia Gonski
  • Julia Thom-Levy
  • Julius Heitkoetter
  • Junjie Zhu
  • Katherine Fraser
  • Kathleen Amm
  • Kellen McGee
  • Kenichi Hatakeyama
  • Kenneth Lane
  • Kristian Praizner
  • Kyungseop Yoon
  • Lindsey Gray
  • Lingfeng Li
  • Lothar Bauerdick
  • Louise Skinnari
  • Loukas Gouskos
  • Luca Lavezzo
  • Manuela Boscolo
  • Marc-André Pleier
  • Marcel Demarteau
  • Marcela Carena
  • Marcus Hohlmann
  • Maria Chamizo-Llatas
  • Mariarosaria D'Alfonso
  • Marina Malta Nogueira
  • Mark Larson
  • Martin Schmaltz
  • Matheus Hostert
  • Mathieu Benoit
  • Mei Bai
  • Michael Benedikt
  • Michael Hance
  • Michael Kagan
  • michelangelo mangano
  • Michele Gallinaro
  • Michiko Minty
  • Mike Williams
  • Mitch Newcomer
  • Mogens Dam
  • Nate Martinez
  • Nicholas Pinto
  • nicola bacchetta
  • Nicolas Morange
  • Nikhil Borse
  • Nural Akchurin
  • Othello Gomes
  • pantaleo raimondi
  • Paolo Giacomelli
  • Patrick Janot
  • Patrizia Azzi
  • Peter Onyisi
  • Peter Wittich
  • Phillip Ionkov
  • Pierre-Hugues Beauchemin
  • Pietro Lugato
  • Prajita Bhattarai
  • Prudhvi Bhattiprolu
  • Pushpa Bhat
  • Rafael Coelho Lopes de Sa
  • Raghav Kansal
  • Rainer Bartoldus
  • Rajeev Singh
  • Randy Ruchti
  • Rashmish Mishra
  • Reinhard Schwienhorst
  • Richard Milner
  • Rikutaro Yoshida
  • Ritchie Patterson
  • Robert Szafron
  • Robert Zwaska
  • Roberto Tenchini
  • Roger Rusack
  • Ryszard Stroynowski
  • Sally Seidel
  • Samuel Homiller
  • Sarah Eno
  • Sarah Waldych
  • scott snyder
  • Sebastian white
  • Seddigheh Tizchang
  • Sergei Chekanov
  • Sergey Belomestnykh
  • Shih-Chieh Hsu
  • Simone Mazza
  • Sophia Scarano
  • Spencer Gessner
  • Srini Rajagopalan
  • Stephane Willocq
  • Suyog Shrestha
  • Syed Haider Abidi
  • Tianyu Justin Yang
  • Tiehui Ted Liu
  • Timothy Martonhelyi
  • Valentina Dutta
  • Valerio Dao
  • Verena Martinez Outschoorn
  • Victor Daniel Elvira
  • Vikas Teotia
  • Viviana Cavaliere
  • Vladimir Shiltsev
  • Wonyong Chung
  • Xueying Lu
  • Yasar Onel
  • Yen-Jie Lee
  • Yikun Wang
  • Yusuf Aamir
  • Yusuf Seday
  • Yuxiang Guo
  • Zeynep Demiragli
  • Zhangqier Wang
  • Zoltan Ligeti